The price of a name
From the BBC News website:
Here are some of my closest friends at the Christmas Reunion:
And my father and Mariacristina:
Apparently it's Christmas soon. I'm afraid I haven't sent any cards. But I do appreciate those I've received...
Jimmy Choo - most famous for its shoes - claimed the £9.50 M&S satin handbag was uncannily similar to its £495 silk satin Cosmo evening bag.I'm sorry, but I just can't understand how people can pay £495 for a bag, when an 'uncannily similar' one costs £9.50.
Here are some of my closest friends at the Christmas Reunion:

Merry Christmas and ENJOY . Glad you are feeling so much better, do remember to rest in between the hectic social gatherings with the very close friends. Lovely photos. Love to all the family and have a very Happy Christmas with Freddie home too..
Much love and best wishes
Melanie xxxx
Tesoro mio, devo ammettere che sono davvero due belle merito alla seconda,credo che tuo padre concorderà con me nel ritenere che stiamo da favola!gran bella foto!:-)
beh, vediamo a che punto sto con i tuoi amici, alcuni dei tuoi amici piu stretti.mmmmmm jo che ho avuto il piacere di conoscere,rachael che purtroppo n ho ancora incontrato(rachael, I look forward to meeting you), poi...vediamo, l ultima a destra dovrebbe essere robyn.anche lei purtroppo n sono ancora riuscita ad incontrarla.che disdetta!spero davvero di conoscerle la prossima volta che ci vediamo:-)davvero impaziente:-)
dicasi lo stesso per le altre due persone nella foto di cui temo di non conoscere i nomi.
quanto mi manchi dolcezza mia.
You are quite correct; tomorrow is Christmas! So, Merry Christmas to the Fabulous Norton Family! Have a great day :-)
Roz x
Because its JIMMY CHOO - you just wouldn't understand! Love you x x
Dear George
It was great to see you at the reunion looking very well. It was also good to catch up weith you. The picture of you at the reunion is absolutely funny.
See you at the OMV Ball on Saturday!!!
Ps Happy New Year!!
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