Wednesday, November 22, 2006

To infinity and beyond

My neutrophils, 0.0 on Sunday, have been rocketing up, reaching 0.6 by Tuesday! Naturally this is great news, and hopefully means escape over the next couple of days. One antibiotic has been stopped, and all in all I'm well.

Unfortunately, though, my hair seems to be falling out again at last! It is unfortunate because currently it is wonderfully soft, and depending on the light seems to be mostly blond, white or silver... It's so gorgeous to touch, and I'm forever trying to fluff it up even more. That, for me, means a lot, as I normally barely even notice my hair. But now it's falling out again! Hopefully it will return as lovely as it is now.

I am sure Paul Simon's lyrics mean a lot more than I ever knew about - thank you as ever, Amphimacer for sharing some of your knowledge...

Here are a few of my current favourite lyrics. Generally they're a bit more easily understandable - perhaps I'm simpler than I ever realised. Guess the band and song (unless you're Rob and have therefore probably heard me sing most of them far too often) - no cheating please!

1. 'Don't pick fights with the bullies or the cads -
I'm not much cop at punching other people's dads.'

2. 'Is there room in your heart for one more trip to the moon?'

3. 'You'll never get surprises
Living in Devizes.'

4. 'They're drinking a drink they call loneliness...
But it's better than drinking alone.'

5. 'There is only one cure for unrequited love:
Chocolate and howling at the moon.'

6. 'And he yells to the cook with his arms open wide,
"Oh, bring me more fish: throw it down by my side."
And he wants so to belch, but he's too full to try,
So he stands up and laughs and he zips up his fly.'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey tu...sono tutte magnifiche notizie!!!!:-))))))))))
confermo che i tuoi capelli sono la cosa piu soffice a dorabile che abbia mai toccato.direi che danno dipendenza;-)non si vorrebbe mai smettere di toccarli.incredibile!;-)

beh, allora sarai presto fuori..perfetto!dita incrociate



3:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I unfortunaty suck at guessing artists and song names, so please do share with me at some stage!! Hope you're feeling grand!
Hugs & Kisses to an AMAZING Georgio!

Roz x

4:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is 6 the Pogues...a dangerous guess for my first ever post on your blog!
Tom only got number 5 because he looked it up on google-such a cheat.
Looking forwards to seeing you out of hospital again soon.

Alice x

8:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can guess 3 4 5 and 6 but 3 and 5 only because they've been given away.

10:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much as I was subjected to your frequent singing outbursts in 121 Woodstock Road, I don't recognise any of these. Aren't you cheating - you originally sang these in Italian?! Reprint them in Italian and I'll recognise them then!
I didn't realise you were still in hospital...May i perhaps call in for a visit tomorrow after work? (Thursday)? Will give you a phone sometime during the day anyway
ali xxx

10:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hold my hands up to having seen The Wurzles live too... cringe. They were the hightlight (?!) at the Cirencester Ball last Summer - no comment.

Anyway, good that the neuts are climbing and my fingers are crossed that you'll be out soon... spare room in SW11 still there should you need it, certainly for the next couple of weeks.

Lots of love from both me and James, and hopefully see you soon!

Cat Varley X

8:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4. is Billy Joel, Piano Man. I could probably sing on a bit of it too.

I happen to have been brought up on Billy Joel (among others) in the car with my parents. My favourite song is actually River of Dreams - I LOVE the choir bit towards the end.

Looking forward to singing with you soon!

h xx

9:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No.1 is "Kooks" by David Bowie...ok, I'm a cheat and a fraud...I googled the lyrics (am sure I did know it anyway)! Glad to hear the neuts are on the up and still thinking of you lots and lots and hoping to see you very soon.

B xxxxxxxxx

4:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Made my day with number 3! Wurzels rock!x

3:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alice norton, it is from Amsterdam by Freddie and George Norton..pah..x

4:42 pm  
Blogger Cazz said...

Bowie... BOWIE!!! Uh yea, that's the first one, 'Kooks' :)

I cant believe I actually have a reader of my blog outside of my 3 friends.....



8:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no 6 is david bowie's amsterdam

8:08 pm  

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