Am in hospital. It's not very exciting. My phone extension number is 2563. And that's about it, really.
Oh, and I'm watching far too much 'Deal or No Deal'. It's so silly. Yet so compelling. Well, not that compelling, really, but it's a bit better than banging my head against the wall.
Today I'm chained to the drip-stand, with two bags of blood and two syringefuls of potassium. Unfortunately at this very moment I'm desperate for a wee, and the line doesn't reach, so if you don't hear from me again assume that I've popped.
Oh, and before you ask me how long I'm going to be in - I don't really know. Ideally, my blood counts will rapidly recover, I won't pick anything up, and I'll be out in time for Lost (Sunday evening). But regular readers will know it's seldom that simple. Wouldn't it be nice if it were, this time?
Several people have said 'good luck with the chemo'. In the hope of putting an end to that: I'm not having chemo now. That was the week before last. I'm in this time as a precautionary measure while my blood counts are low. Capisci?
hey hey.....è un bel pò che n scrivevo....una serie di circostanze piacevoli me lo ha impedito...tipo il viaggio a londra...ah, n te l ho detto?sn venuta per un giorno li, ma n sn riuscita ad avvertirti.mi dispiace.sarà per la prossima volta ahahahahahaha vabbè, la sempre in vena di fare scherzetti imbecilli;-)so che puoi perdonarmi:-)
n ci sn parole per descrivere quanto sia stato bello rivederti dopo ben 7 anni...impaziente di rivederti quanto prima, magari per un pò piu di tempo:-)
Dita incrociate per la puntata di lost domenica sera;-)
emmcee ops
emmcee ops? hmmmmm...
It's me again- finally:) Taking a break from writing some piece of work of dubious quality on worker representation and listening to German pop music way too loudly having just, wonder of wonders, discovered which is really cool and lets me listen to all the random German music I like:) Otherwise all is well. I hope for you too. I am eagerly waiting for term to end so I can finally go to Milan which I am very excited about.
I hope you are well and I hope your not-chemo is going well. Thinking of you. You go boy!
hey george - am thinking of you and wishing your blood counts better! Kate xx
hey curious brother....ebbene si, mc mi aveva stancata...emmcee è sicuramente piu stimolante e originale....;-)ma n è certamente una mia invenzione....;-)
Deal or No Deal - I detest it, and yet I still can't tear myself away from watching it once I start! Silly silly silly. Shall be joining you in Lost viewage, since Spooks has so cruelly been taking from us (how annoying was that final episode?!)
Hoping to make several jaunts to London in the coming months so looking forward to seeing you on at least one of them.
hannah xxxxxxxxx
Dear boy george,
All at Lit Rev are thinking of you - and hoping you can come to the Bad Sex on the 29th Nov - if you feel well enough, there'll be champagne for you!
yours ever
p, i found this game while researching my disseration, thought it might amuse you. its stopping me do any work, damn it!! thinking of you.
Si, capisco..x
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