Zap! Pow!
My cranial radiotherapy has begun:

Having had my mask fitted quite some time ago, I was worried that it wouldn't be the right shape for my slightly thinner face, but it seemed to be fine as it pinned my head in place. My eyes were shut by the mask, so I didn't see what happened then, but the bed whirred around a bit, and then I could sense a blue-ish light moving over my head (the irradiation) and smelt ozone. The actual zapping only took a few seconds, though today the whole appointment took a bit longer because it was the first dose.
My hostess also works at Sutton on Mondays, so she helped whisk me through to the right places, and has done a wonderful job in enlisting her friends to get me to and from the hospital each day. I also met the senior nurse who is in overall charge of me (I think) during my treatment, and he explained that hopefully side effects shouldn't be too bad.
I was, however, pretty sleepy when I got back, so after lunch I had a good snooze. I've also had a slight headache, which could be because of the radiotherapy, but could well also be because I hadn't slept as much as I'd have wanted; was still tired from the last chemo; was suffering in the heat; etc. Anyway, I'm going to tackle the Telegraph Prize Crossword to see whether my brain still works.
The course is of 12 doses, so two weeks and then Monday and Tuesday, and I'll be here for those weekdays. At the weekends I'll probably head home, though we're yet to work out the best way to get there and back. On the two Wednesdays I'll also be popping into St George's for some intrathecal chemo to back up the radiotherapy, but hopefully that won't be too bad (ie the doctor will find the right spot the first time...).
Incidentally, the OMV is now in Lourdes, but I don't want to talk about it because I'm very sad that I'm not...
Me too George, so so SO sad about Lourdes but gearing up for next year already - I am sure they shall be missing us very much, and hopefully saying some prayers too! Glad to hear that the treatment is progressing and I hope leafy epsom is a nice change from the big smoke! Lots of love, steiny XX
I'm equally upset about Lourdes (horrible deadline!!!) but hoping that they're all having a fantastic time and sending some prayers over to Epsom. Lots of love George, and see you soon I hope!
Cat Varley xxx
Hey George!
It's awesome being kept up to date about your treatment. Hope it all goees well and you don't suffer too much from the nasty side-effects that you've had previously!
Keep smiling & Take Care
Roz x
I can never finish the crosswords!!!!
Hope that this phase is kinder to you George and I am sure that all of your friends with OMV will have you in their prayers and be thinking of you while they are at Lourdes.
Cosy bed sounds great>
Love and thoughts
Melanie xxx
Gooday George!
Tho should really be good night....thinking of you closely as you travel thro radiotherapy....another step closer to the finishing line.Enjoy the Epsom pampering,well deserved.Your weather sounds awesome, can hear the cheering from here!Bday season continues down here, Hannah 19 tomorrow.
love always from everyone,
Caroline xx
We all seem to be upset that we are missing Lourdes... me too!
Anyway, as Steiny says, next year we'll be there with a big comeback!
I'm glad the first dose was ok, thinking of you tonnes.
Lots of love, Ellie xx
dearest George,
I would like to 4th the "missing Lourdes" sentiment but as you say, let's not talk about it! Although I was delighted this morning to receive a text from Milllie Owen with a photo of Sean eating chips in the Brancs! I am concinced that they are training him in the drinking stakes but just hid the pint from the photo!
Looking forward to seeing you when your radiotherapy is over!
lots and lots and lots of love,
rach xoxo
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