Hurrah for a social life
What lovely weather! I'm so glad to have made it out for some of the summer, particularly as I was worried at one point that I was going to be an inpatient, stuck within the hospital four walls for the entire sunny season. Thus I cannot really complain about it being TOO hot, though I have to be careful in the sun. Well, everybody has to be careful in the sun, but I think I should be even more careful, particularly with my unprotected head. It's all about the bandanna.
On Sunday I was back in London, and went along to Alison's barbecue, nominally to celebrate her and her housemates' new garden, which for the record was very pretty. I didn't know anybody apart from Ali before I turned up, but was so glad I could make it, not just because it's always delightful to see my ex-wife but also because, erm, I don't get out much these days. It was a lovely afternoon/evening and Ali's friends were lovely, even though some were civil servants.
It was then great to get to Clive's and Dom's (they'd very kindly agreed to put me up) and find not just those two, but also Cosmo, and Tori, and a couple of people I didn't know. So hurrah for socialising! In case that wasn't enough, I met up with all sorts of lovely friends on Monday evening, who generously didn't let me pay for my pizza... So thank you all, and it was brilliant to see you. I should have taken some photos, but forgot.
The routine blood tests on Monday at St George's were fine, and though I ended up having to wait quite a while, I was quite happy to to do my waiting outside (in the shade!) with a good book (currently 'The Virgin Suicides' by Jeffrey Eugenides) and an ice-lolly (I think it was a Calippo). I haven't the dates of my intrathecal chemotherapy yet (I need it a couple of times during my cranial radiotherapy), but should find out tomorrow at the latest.
The next plan is to go to Epsom, where I shall be staying during my outpatient course of radiotherapy at the Royal Marsden, Sutton. I'm yet to know how much it'll knock me out, but if I'm lucky and don't have too bad side effects I'll hopefully be able to pop into London and see people during that time. Getting to the Scarsdale for the traditional helpers' end of Lourdes farewell would be particularly good, so I can at least see the people who are going this year...
In case anyone's ever doubted my dislike of hospital food, here's an informative picture. Any guesses as to what it is...?

It was then great to get to Clive's and Dom's (they'd very kindly agreed to put me up) and find not just those two, but also Cosmo, and Tori, and a couple of people I didn't know. So hurrah for socialising! In case that wasn't enough, I met up with all sorts of lovely friends on Monday evening, who generously didn't let me pay for my pizza... So thank you all, and it was brilliant to see you. I should have taken some photos, but forgot.
The routine blood tests on Monday at St George's were fine, and though I ended up having to wait quite a while, I was quite happy to to do my waiting outside (in the shade!) with a good book (currently 'The Virgin Suicides' by Jeffrey Eugenides) and an ice-lolly (I think it was a Calippo). I haven't the dates of my intrathecal chemotherapy yet (I need it a couple of times during my cranial radiotherapy), but should find out tomorrow at the latest.
The next plan is to go to Epsom, where I shall be staying during my outpatient course of radiotherapy at the Royal Marsden, Sutton. I'm yet to know how much it'll knock me out, but if I'm lucky and don't have too bad side effects I'll hopefully be able to pop into London and see people during that time. Getting to the Scarsdale for the traditional helpers' end of Lourdes farewell would be particularly good, so I can at least see the people who are going this year...

Several. How many am I allowed? I'll start with semolina.
Virgin Suicides is amazing, everyone should read it. In fact i have a copy sat here on my nightstand for when i fancy a dip into it.
I think thats some bastardisation of potato based soup. Doesn't look yummy.
And civil servants smell, steer well clear.
i think it's broccoli and stilton soup...... :)
Hmmmm, well I'd say mashed potato, but since when is it served in a bowl on it's own..So maybe rice pudding, or liquidised chicken wings?
Lovely... not as good as my fried breakfasts, eh partner?
Well, you told me what it was on Monday (by the way, so fab to see you!), so I won't ruin the game... keep guessing people, no correct answers yet!
Loads of love xxx
Ah the ex-wife, glad to see you keep in touch - how'd your kids do in their exams?
As for the food, I'm sure it's something more ghastly than my imagination can fathom, but we'll go with pureed turkey.
Many hugs,
No wonder you've been hospitalised for so long - food like that would make you ill even if you were healthy to start with! It look like it came out of someone's nose... do I win?
Hey George,
Good to see you looking so happy & handsome (but I guess a hug from a pretty lady is a great tonic, huh?)
As for the gruel, it manages the remarkable feat of making the food at the Saint Frai look tasty! This year as penence however I promise not to complain whenever I'm forced to eat there! For my guess I'll say um, Weetabix mixed with herbs? lol!
Hope you are coping ok in this serious heat!
By the way, you'll be my special prayer intention next week ok?
Love you always,
Hey hey
Well, I'm guessing it was a starter......because it looks like some sort of dried green seasoning in some sort of chicken sick soup!!
You poor thing, hope that fridge is well stocked with yummy food...let me know if you want sending food parcels!
lots love lucy x x x
p.s. how are the darts going?
George, is it frogspawn?
So lovely to hear about your London gallivanting, hope all goes well at the Marsden.
Glorias won't be the same in Lourdes!
Lots of love xxxxxx
dopo nove giorni di astinenza forzata dal blog ,è stato bello trovare quete due prima senza alcun dubbio più affascinante della seconda.visto che n posso vederti di persona,le foto che ti ritraggono sono senza alcun dubbio una discreta alternativa;-)w le macchinette digitali!
per quanto riguarda questa pietanza..beh..mi ha messo francamente in crisi...difficile da se dovessi dire qualcosa..sarebbe semola...
ti abbraccio
Looks like they reheated some of Baldrick's Going Forth cuisine, or do they have their own supply of cats at the hospital?
Either way, I've been put off lunch and supper.
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