It's that Back to School feeling
Tomorrow I shall return unto the hospital of St George, which feels a bit strange after two whole months out of it... No doubt I'll be back into the routine of it very quickly, but at the moment being an inpatient is a distant memory. My blood counts on Thursday were very good again (higher than last week, indeed), but the cyclophosphamide (ie the chemo I had on Thursday) is likely to have hit them a bit. What's more, I have four consecutive days of chemo now, so it's much easier and safer to have me in than not. If my blood counts do not drop too quickly, I should still be quite free, and - who knows - perhaps even able to pop out for the evening. I'm not counting any chickens, though.
On Wednesday evening Harriet and I went to play at Tomandalice's house, meaning that I managed to be their first AND second guest, which is a great accolade. It's a good big house, too, and they cooked us up an Indian extravaganza. And ice-cream. Though that wasn't cooked. We had dropped Heidi-hi Wiggleswothergill off on the way up: Heidi-hi is one of Harriet's lunatic friends, and delightful to boot, so she brought an extra dimension to the days she spent chez Norton. I think she and Harriet have now dragged their partners (Duncan and Alan, Heidi-hi's husband) to the depths of Scotland to be silly for a weekend.
It has been great being a normal person again, able to go out, see people and have a few beers, and I think I've done a pretty good job of making the most of it... Hopefully, though, it won't be long before I'm out and about again, when I reached the fabled Maintenance phase.
Here, thanks to my new friend Penny, is a photo of me, Hannah and Andrew at Hannah's wedding last Saturday. My pose is perhaps a little over-exuberant, but they are two of my closest chums, and Hannah was married!
Great days, great days.
I'm hoping I might be able to sneak online when in Ruth Myles, this time, but whatever happens I'll post my new extension number when I'm there. And don't think that just because you've visited before means you don't have to visit any more! Hahahaha!
On Wednesday evening Harriet and I went to play at Tomandalice's house, meaning that I managed to be their first AND second guest, which is a great accolade. It's a good big house, too, and they cooked us up an Indian extravaganza. And ice-cream. Though that wasn't cooked. We had dropped Heidi-hi Wiggleswothergill off on the way up: Heidi-hi is one of Harriet's lunatic friends, and delightful to boot, so she brought an extra dimension to the days she spent chez Norton. I think she and Harriet have now dragged their partners (Duncan and Alan, Heidi-hi's husband) to the depths of Scotland to be silly for a weekend.
It has been great being a normal person again, able to go out, see people and have a few beers, and I think I've done a pretty good job of making the most of it... Hopefully, though, it won't be long before I'm out and about again, when I reached the fabled Maintenance phase.
Here, thanks to my new friend Penny, is a photo of me, Hannah and Andrew at Hannah's wedding last Saturday. My pose is perhaps a little over-exuberant, but they are two of my closest chums, and Hannah was married!

I'm hoping I might be able to sneak online when in Ruth Myles, this time, but whatever happens I'll post my new extension number when I'm there. And don't think that just because you've visited before means you don't have to visit any more! Hahahaha!
Hi George, Philip here. Good luck back at St. Georges. I'll be in town from Thursday morning - going to Chelsea v Villa next Saturday (with friend with season ticket - sorry, no spares this time). Need to knock Pompey off that first place!
Nina's 9th birthday party this afternoon - we have 18 of her friends coming! Its a chocolate party so I'm not really complaining. Take care - I'll give you a call.
I haven't left a blog comment for AGES so i'm going to leave you a big one...
My camping experience was NOT fun - gale force winds,
rain, no running water (except of course that which
was running down the inside of the tent), no showers,
no toilets, NOTHING... Kirk and I, remarkably, managed
to continue to get on whilst sharing the smallest tent known to man, which is a bloody miracle... The work was the hardest work I've ever ever done - manual labour from 8am to 8pm, and being the only girl, I stupidly felt I had something to prove to all the boys and nearly killed myself trying to lift things which weighed twice as much as me... I have a ridiculous stubborn streak which says that I'm as strong as any boy - which of course isn't even slightly true... I have many impressive injuries - beautiful bruises all over my body, jagged saw wound on my leg (which makes me look a bit like a pirate), cuts everywhere, and I hit my head so hard on wednesday evening that I jabbered nonsense all night long - have a big lump... I doubt I'll ever be properly clean again - went for three days without a shower, eventually a local farmer took pity on us and let us use his bathroom in exchange for us moving about a thousand hay bales...which wasn't fun at all...
It wasn't all bad though. There were the occasional lovely times in the tent when it was more or less waterproof (there were many times when it wasnt) and we played the guitar and talked about life and looked at the stars. And the Midnight Maze party was totally amazing...
By thursday night everything was finished and I had to
say good bye to all of my stupid boys, and it was
terrible. And then I got home and immediatly got ill,
and I've pretty much been in bed ever since, and I'm
bloody bored now. I'm very late back to uni - should
have regestered by now, and I've completely missed
freshers week, but the thought of going back to london
is so horrible. The summer is truly over, and all of the magical adventures are gone too, I'm totally depressed... oh dear...
The good news is that as soon as I get back to ghastly london I've coming to visit, and then we'll be together and things will feel more normal... XXXX
Jo had a very busy time, sounds like she was doing time!
George the 3 months has flown by and you have had such a hectic social life, it won't be long before you are out and at it again I'm sure.
Love and thoughts at this time and for the next stint.
Much love Melanie xx
Sorry mate never got a chance to wish ya good luck last night for your latest round of chemo.
Hope all goes well
Hi, I was reading your Blog and didn't really find what I was looking for.. If you want a university degree in a day then check out my blog at..
Oh no, hang on.. Here I am Georgey, a roma, senza una casa.. If anyone out there has a spare house in Rome they wouldn't mind lending me, I'd be eternally grateful.. Anyways, hope the in-patient part was/is okay..
Lots of love,
FRED!!! you little adventurer - sadly I have no roman home to offer you, but my parents will be in Rome in three or four weeks (can't remember) and would like to meet up and probably feed you pizza... love you my dear XXXX
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