Ah, the sea
I just went for a lovely lovely walk down by the beach. It wasn't very long, as I'm pretty pathetic, and now I'm exhausted, but it was so nice: the sun set while we were there, and though it was cold the crisp air was so refreshing. The tide was out, but the colours were gorgeous and I really should have taken a camera. In fact, I almost did, but saw my fat face in the mirror before I left and decided that I don't like it very much and therefore didn't want to encourage any photos of that. Here's an old photo of Prinsted beach anyway, though it looked a bit different this evening, what with there being no water, but a lovely orange tinge to the rocks.
My legs are weak at the moment because I haven't used them much over the past 6 weeks: I'm not sure whether during Phase 2 I'll be able to make more effort to keep the muscles a bit stronger, or whether again I'll mostly be too weary. I did try to wander around my room every evening for a bit at the beginning of Phase 1, but as it went on I didn't really have the energy to do so. I know that when I come out again I'll be able to build up their strength, but I wonder whether to really try and keep them up anyway. On the one hand, if I'm weary I should rest because my body needs it, but on the other hand it would be nice to remain as 'normal' as possible.
On another note, Alice (of Tomandalice fame) has fallen asleep on the sofa, which is sweet. She's marrying my brother! How cool's that?
My legs are weak at the moment because I haven't used them much over the past 6 weeks: I'm not sure whether during Phase 2 I'll be able to make more effort to keep the muscles a bit stronger, or whether again I'll mostly be too weary. I did try to wander around my room every evening for a bit at the beginning of Phase 1, but as it went on I didn't really have the energy to do so. I know that when I come out again I'll be able to build up their strength, but I wonder whether to really try and keep them up anyway. On the one hand, if I'm weary I should rest because my body needs it, but on the other hand it would be nice to remain as 'normal' as possible.
On another note, Alice (of Tomandalice fame) has fallen asleep on the sofa, which is sweet. She's marrying my brother! How cool's that?
Eccomi...finalmente ho trovato il tempo per fare quello che piu' mi piace ultimamente:scriverti.
Sto sempre scroccando dal laptop di mio fratello,ne approfitto quando lui non c'è....:-)quando il gatto non c'è i topi ballano...è un pò quello che faccio io quando lui è fuori casa!
Allora...con mio grande piacere oggi ho avuto la conferma da Fredddddddddddddddddie(ormai sai come lo pronuncio) che hai ricevuto il mio pacchetto!iuhhhhhhhhhh e sono altrettanto contenta di sapere che sei riuscito a comporre il puzzle...credo che sia difficile quando non si ha di fronte l'immagine da ricostruire...ma era necessario per garantire la sorpresa....:-)
Chiudiamo questa parentesi piuttosto frivola per passare a cose piu' interessanti!
Sai,quando mi connetto per controllare se hai lasciato un post,e vedo che lo hai fatto,sono felice come una bimba di 7 anni circa che ha trovato sotto l'albero di natale i regali che Babbo Natale le ha portato....divento un'autentica bambina!mi dovresti vedere....un sorriso a 1.000.000 di denti...tipo quello della foto del puzzle!quindi.....GRAZIE!
Sai, per quanto riguarda la percezione del dolore,mi sono sempre chiesta come ti sentissi sotto questo punto di vista.bhe...non so come hai fatto,ma sembra che tu abbia letto nei miei pensieri e abbia risposto ai miei interrogativi...:-)so che non è così, ma mi piace pensare che sia proprio così...io e le mie illusioni!iuhhhh....
Peccato che tu non abbia scattato delle foto..mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere lo stesso panorama di fronte al quale ti sei trovato tu...sai, vedere quello che vedi tu...ok...la pianto...sto diventando mielosa...brutta piega!
mi fermo qui....
bacini baciotti
It is pretty cool, isn't it?
Good luck with the next stage, George.
George glad that you were able to get out to Prinsted, lovely spot. You and Tim toddled about there together a good few years ago. Great news about Tom and Alice.
Thinking of you heaps and do stay on top of it all. Love Melanie
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