Monday, February 06, 2006

Earwig go again

Just about to leave for hospital (only an hour after we planned to go - oops) - will be in there at least for a week to begin with, though it could be three or four. I'm just not quite sure. Do give me a bell if you're going to visit: my father will post my new landline number (as I'll almost certainly be in a different room) as soon as he gets a chance. Oh, and please try to read this blog before ringing me if possible, as I do change rooms sometimes and some other poor patient has to put up with my phone calls for a while - I will let the blog know if I do move numbers...

Had long chats and thinkings last night and still not much clearer as to what I'll go for for Phase 3. I'll try to get updates to the blog as much as possible, though it depends on how awake I am this time around and who comes to visit me and when!

Fingers crossed for the bone marrow test result...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fingers legs eyes brain crossed for tomorrow darling. Am rapidly turing into a vegetable, far too relaxed... the cows and sheep are very sleep inducing xxx LOVE AND LOVE AND LOVE xxx

6:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coucou!allora....è da stamattina che il mio corpo è completamente INCROCIATO!!!:-)mi sa che domani mi sveglierò un pò "ammaccata"...scherzi a parte,mi auguro che il ritorno in ospedale non sia stato troppo traumatico...

ti abbraccio fortissimamente forte!


8:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo George. Good luck. Will be in touch soon with a surprise toy...
Ewa xx

12:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Jo, everything possible is crossed UP (just wrote down then realised my terrible error and corrected it... you should feel satisfied that your programme of indoctrination is working George!!!) here in Oxford.
Hope all the news over the next few days is good.
Lots of love
Robyn xxx

3:01 pm  

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