Thursday, November 24, 2005

Another novel experience

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a fair few new experiences, but one I’d never considered for my ‘things to be done’ list was ticked off yesterday. I have a weekly chest x-ray, just to make sure everything’s OK in there (particularly as I have a PICC line – basically a long thin blue tube – in one of my veins leading almost as far as my heart), and on Monday a little mark showed up on one side. Naturally the doctors wanted to check out what it might be, and couldn’t be sure whether it was something to worry about or just the shadow of my nipple… So I had to have another x-ray yesterday, this time with, ahem, ‘nipple markers’! That’s as technical as they get, too: the form said ‘chest x-ray with nipple markers’, and the actual markers were pieces of wire bent into triangles and taped to my nipples. I felt like Madonna. I don’t think they do many x-rays with nipple markers, as the x-ray team were as amused as I was (and faintly embarrassed, I think)… I’d love to see the picture! Oh, and the doctor thinks it probably was just a shadow, which of course is good.


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